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Online sales are on while the tastings are made via the company’s social media channels

The work in the vineyards is going on in Tenuta di Canneto; meanwhile the company has started the online sales accompanied with the winery’s oenologist advices- obviously given in remote.

The spring has come in Tenuta di Canneto: it certainly is a very strange and quiet spring, without our visitors wondering around and discovering the winery and surely with some more worries about the future months. But yet, it is the Spring itself that actually teaches us that life goes on: the work in the fields does not stop, because the vines, that are slowly waking up, demand a lot of attentions and dedication.

“from these sprouts our next year will be born- they say in the company- it is a long job, that starts now and goes on until September, but now, more than ever, is important to look to the future. We are putting a lot of passion and care towards our job, waiting for the moment in which we will able to meet our customers again, and also made them taste our wines.”

And, while the company waits for the emergency to pass and that it will be possible to tell the stories about our products and also sell them in person, Tenuta di Canneto is fully equipped to do this online: in fact, since March, each and every wine from the winery can be bought from home by directly emailing the company or calling the number +39 3805233852. And this is not all: Tenuta di Canneto, in fact started not long ago a serie of tastings held by the company’s oenologist that will be posted on its social media channels. “ we want to make the client live an experience as similar as we can to the one he or she feels while visiting our winery, with the only difference that, this time, a computer or a smartphone’s screen will divide us” they explain from the company “our oenologist’s stories will allow the customers to better know our wines to make the tasting moment even more special, but also to help them buy the perfect product in total accord with their taste and needs. In a so particular moment, the internet helps us to feel closer with each other but,honestly, we cannot wait to be able to open again our winery’s doors: nothing can compare to a toast with our clients sourrounded by the country and the vines’ colours”.